Integrated Resource
The Integrated Resource at King Ecgbert School was established to increase the range of educational provision for children with autism. Its work enables students to access a mainstream curriculum with their mainstream peers by providing targeted intervention and in-class support.
Our students follow a broad and balanced curriculum and are able to access GCSEs and BTEC qualification in Y11. Our aim is for students to develop increasing confidence and independence as they progress through school to prepare them for post-16 education and the world of work.
All of our current students have been formally assessed and have an Educational Health Care Plan that relates to autism as their primary need. They spend at least 80% of their timetable in curriculum lessons working alongside their mainstream peers.
The work in our Integrated Resource is based on positive relationships with students and their families and the family ethos and atmosphere is at the heart of everything we do.
Our aim is to work with students to enable them to manage and understand their own autism, its impact on their learning and life and help them to develop skills and strategies to succeed. We have learnt about autism from the best possible teachers…the children themselves.