Exam Results
Exam Results
Click below to access the DfE School Performance Table for our school. Please note that the information below is still provisional, based on latest estimates from the DfE.
Key Stage 4 Examination Results 2023-2024
*Progress 8 score for 2023-2024 was +0.81. This indicates that on average, students at King Ecgbert School achieved over 3/4 of a grade higher than similar students (by prior attainment) nationally. The progress of students in English (+0.76) and Maths (+0.74) was significantly above national standards and in the top 10% of all schools nationally. The attainment (i.e. the grades achieved) of our students in English, Maths and the **EBacc subjects was also significantly above national levels.
*The Attainment 8 score for 2023-2024 is 56.4 (National average 2022-2023 = 46.4).
Percentage of students achieving a strong pass (5 or more) in English and mathematics |
66.5% |
Percentage of students achieving a standard pass (4 or more) in English and mathematics |
78.8% |
Percentage of students entering the English Baccalaureate** |
34.0% |
Average point score across 5 'pillars' of English Baccalaureate |
5.06 |
Percentage of students staying in education or employment after Key Stage 4 |
97% |
*Progress 8 and Attainment 8 look at the examination performance of students across a broad range of 8 subjects.
**To enter the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) students must take up to 8 GCSE's or equivalents, across 5 subject 'pillars' of English language and English literature, maths, science, a language and history or geography.
Key Stage 5 Examination Results 2023-2024
The progress and outcomes of our cohort continue to be exceptional, putting us in the top 15% of all schools nationally for the last three years. This year, 62% of A Level grades were A*-B, resulting in a 3-year average of 58%. The average grade at A Level was B. We are particularly pleased that over 15% of grades at A Level were A* grades.
71% of BTEC grades were D*-D with the average grade a Distinction, results we are so proud of. An unbelievable 26% (that's over a quarter of our students) achieved all As/Distinctions or above.
32% of students attain AAB in at least 2 facilitating subjects (the facilitating subjects are English Literature, Geography, History, Modern and Classical Languages, Maths and Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics).
Student Destinations
- 87% of students accepted onto their firm choice university and course
- 13% of students moved onto gap years, deferred places at university or the world of work
The retention rate of students completing Y13 A Level courses was 90% in 2023.