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Homework at King Ecgbert School

Learning completed at home is an important part of the school curriculum.

Why do we have homework?

Homework is valuable for the following reasons:

  • To consolidate knowledge or skills taught in lessons
  • ‘Flipped learning’ when a student finds out about a topic by doing some reading or research in preparation for a lesson
  • As part of revision for tests, assessments, internal and external exams
  • To develop the skills of organization, independence and resilience

How is homework set?

  • Homework and home learning (e.g. when the school is closed for bad weather) are set on EduLink. 
  • Parents can use EduLink to see what homework has been set.
  • EduLink shows the subject, details about the task and when the homework is due.
  • The homework may include a link to a website or include information or a task sheet as an attachment.
  • Students can use the ‘Due Date’ to organise their time and prioritise work which has a shorter deadline.
  • Students should click to show they have completed the work, helping them to keep track of their work.

How often will homework be set:

  • There will be no overnight deadlines.
  • Homework will not be set to be completed over the school holidays.
  • Homework must not be set on the Friday for a Monday deadline.
  • At KS3, each homework task must not be required to have more than 20 minutes spent on it.
  • At KS4, each homework task must not be required to have more than 30 minutes spent on it.
  • At KS5, students are expected to study 5 hours independently per subject across the week.
  • For a more detailed overview of how homework will be set and used in different subjects, please see the attached homework grids.

    KS3 Subject homework grid

    KS4 Subject homework grid 

What help is available?

Students can ask the teacher who has set the work to give more explanation or help.

Students can attend homework club where support is given.

The library will be open at the following times for any student wishing to complete homework: 

  • Every morning before school from 8.20 - 8.40 
  • After school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays until 4pm  

Students can talk to their year manager to get support with any other issues regarding homework.

Rewards and reporting

Teachers can give house points and other rewards for homework completed well.

Parents are informed via EduLink if a homework task has not been completed.

What other activities can my child be doing out of school hours?

There are many activities available outside school hours.

You could also:

Encourage them to support with local volunteering schemes
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Visit an art exhibition

To view the full homework policy please click here