Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and find out about learning here at King Ecgbert School.
At King Ecgbert School, we aspire to provide an exceptional education for all our students. We are recognised within the city of Sheffield, but also through the DfE performance measures, for the exceptional attainment and progress of our students. Examination results here at the end of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 are extremely impressive, but we are very keen that this is reflective of the exceptional learning journey our students take and the result of a well-planned and well-taught curriculum.
Our students leave school (many after being here for 7 years) with so much more than great exam results. We strive relentlessly to provide a curriculum that is academically rigorous, accessible to all, and reflects the school values of Excellence, Respect and Aspiration. We structure our learning journey to allow students to prepare themselves effectively for the next steps in their lives, be that at post-16 or post-18, through education, employment or further training. If King Ecgbert School students grow into well-rounded young adults, who are in a position to do nothing less than contribute to making the world a better place, then we have done our job well.
Use the pages to find out more about our curriculum, courses, SEND, careers support, and more.