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Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below the commonly asked questions and answers:

What do I do if I have a safeguarding concern when school is closed?

If you are worried about the safety of a student at King Ecgbert School, any other child, or have a safeguarding concern outside of school hours, please contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 273 4855.

How do I apply for my child to attend your school?

Admissions for Y7 – Y11 are dealt with by Sheffield City Council. Please click here for more information. Sixth Form applications are made through Sheffield Progress and students should talk to the careers' advisor at their current school.

What do I do if my child has an appointment i.e. doctors, hospital?

Appointments wherever possible should be made outside school hours or in school holidays. Please send a note or an appointment card to school with your child. They need to take this to Student Reception when they arrive at school. Your child's teacher will allow them to leave the lesson at the appropriate time, and they must then obtain an 'Out-of-School Pass' from the Student Reception.

What happens if my child is ill at home and unable to attend school?

All absences should be reported to attendance by 9.30am on the day.  If your child is not marked on the register as present, the school office will contact you to find out the reason for absence.

What happens if my child is late for school?

Students should be on the school site and ready to enter school at 8.40am.

If a student arrives after 8.45 am they are put into detention after school. Parents/carers will be notified. We monitor all students' punctuality in the morning and those with a poor record will also be sanctioned.

Can I take my child out of school for a holiday?

There is no entitlement in law to time off in school time to go on holiday. At King Ecgbert School, the Headteacher will only authorise holiday in term time in the most exceptional circumstances.

Request for leave of absence during term time must be submitted on the correct form (available to download below) at least one month before the first date of absence and preferably before any booking has been made. School is not liable for any cancellation or alteration charges incurred by a family because of school not authorising a holiday during term time.

What if I have any concerns? Who do I speak to?

The first person you should contact is your child's Year Manager. 

What is the school behaviour policy?

How can my child buy food from the canteen?

Catering at King Ecgbert School is currently provided by an outside provider, Chartwells. They operate a cashless catering system and, as such, do not accept any cash at the tills. Instead, every student has a catering "account" where money is deducted every time they buy food or drink from the dining room. Parents will be given a Parentpay account to preload money or students can pay cash into a revaluation machine at break or lunch.

How do we communicate with parents?

My Child at School (MCAS) is a web/app-based service that we primarily use to communicate with parents.  Parents and students will each be given log ins for their own accounts that they must activate. We also require an email address and phone number for parents.

What should I do if my contact details change?

Please inform the school by updating via your My Child at School (MCAS) account or e-mail about any changes to your details.  It is important that we have up-to-date contact details at all times.

Where can I order school uniform?

The school dress code can be found here

Pinders is the school provider. You can order online on their website. Alternatively, order forms can be collected from student reception and returned to school.

Sixth Form are not required to wear school uniform, but they have a dress code. This is detailed in their personal development logbook.

How do I know if school is closed due to snow or other unforeseen circumstance?

We will always make every attempt to keep the school open. However, our priority is the health and safety of students and staff. Should a decision to close the school be reached by the Senior Leadership Team, it will not be taken lightly. During periods of adverse weather conditions or closure, the following steps will be taken to inform parents of the school’s actions:

  • Information about the school's course of action will always be posted first on our school website by 7:45am. This will then be communicated to parents by text/email.
  • Conditions will be monitored closely throughout the day, with updates on any changes posted on the website and communicated to parents.

Where can I park around school?

There is no parking or entering the school grounds for dropping off or collecting children except for those with a disabled badge or if agreed by school staff. There is very limited parking on the roads around the school, so for safety and to reduce pollution, please avoid driving wherever possible. You must not use the top of the school drive as a turning point.

How do I apply for Free School Meals?

You can apply online with the Sheffield City Council here. This site also gives further information you may need.

If we have not answered your question, please contact us by email on